Mac users: have you ever added Ukrainian MP3s to your iTunes playlist and found the Cyrillic ID3 tags (Artist, Title, etc.) jumbled?

I have been dealing with this problem for years, and the best solution out there seems to be an add-on script for iTunes by Andrei Popov called Convert Cyrillics. Unfortunately, this script doesn’t convert the Ukrainian letters “і”, “є”, “ї”, or “ґ”. I finally got around to modifying this script myself, and here is the result:
Script Installation:
1.In the Finder, click “Go” on the top menu bar, then hold down the Alt/Option key to reveal the Library. Click on Library and create a folder under “Library -> iTunes” called “Scripts”. Place the script in this folder.
2. When you restart to iTunes, you should see a new script menu icon on the top menu bar. Select your jumbled songs and select the script menu item “Convert Ukrainian”.
Note: for some reason, the Ukrainian apostrophe is not correctly interpreted by the script, and you’ll have to manually change it.
For more great OSX iTunes scripts for ID3 tags and file naming, check out this page.